Friday, December 18, 2009
Rated R !
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Ignorance is Bliss !
"Just because someone is being ignorant does not mean you have to scoop down to their level and just as ignorant"-Soles and Addicts
such a meaningful quote thanks babe instead of doing what we originally talked about i did what you originally said and well your way works better.
i recently seen this video and decided to share i'd be pissed if my gf did this lol
such a meaningful quote thanks babe instead of doing what we originally talked about i did what you originally said and well your way works better.
i recently seen this video and decided to share i'd be pissed if my gf did this lol
Monday, November 30, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Me and steffie walked out the door and never looked back !
Its a good refresher to get out of school earlier then early sometimes with my best friend. Over all this week has been pretty good a lot of chillin lately with people classes are very easy. ive also come to realize that my life is good VERY GOOD i have the best girl friend in the world, the best best friends ever and my family is great overall some aspects could be better but im not complaing..... well Busch gardens tomorrow with some friends......
The time is always changing im glad my friends dont chang like the time does for all of you who are only the "same person" twice a day your phony
"you little hypebeast i set the trend your following"
"im fresher then a premature newborn "
random quotes on my mind
11/12/2008 is such an important date in my mind and so is 11/12/2009 !
tnh/f<3 !
The time is always changing im glad my friends dont chang like the time does for all of you who are only the "same person" twice a day your phony
"you little hypebeast i set the trend your following"
"im fresher then a premature newborn "
random quotes on my mind
11/12/2008 is such an important date in my mind and so is 11/12/2009 !
tnh/f<3 !
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
A smile can hide all the pain
Why do we as people smile? is it because something is funny, someone cute smiles at you or just because you appear to be a happy person? Or do you smile so everyone around you thinks everything is ok when your really dieing on the inside(emotionally). Sometimes i laugh and joke others to hide my pain up until yesterday i was confused about my life confused about everything and everyone... but that was quickly corrected through the help of my wonderful mother and the best girl friend anyone could ever ask for.. they are so understanding so helpful they just are the best they help me through all of my problems and then some... in less then nine months now i will be moving out and on my way to college...sometimes i sit and wonder who will pick me up when im down who will help when i feel like the worst person ever...these people will with the help on my iPhone and my macbook pro (i love technology) i can talk on the phone or video chat....i know im typing a lot of these little dots... but they that what im saying right then is an incomplete thought if i really thought it through i would most likely get frustrated so i just let the thought go on and switch to the next writing this to say from now on i will not hide my emotions and i will treat my loved ones how they should be treated there is no excuse for treating someone like shit.... tati i love you...steffie your the best... ty your more like a brother then a cuzin... kaela...always keepin shit real.... morgan d...weve got our ups and downs but nothing will ever really separate us nothing.... rich,reggie,tef,prince,....CRAZY niggas but yall are the LIFE of the party haha......its approaching 1230 am im very tired and i have to get up in 6 hours so to everyone reading this goodnight, good morning, or good afternoon...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Friday, October 9, 2009
Our Legacy Will Never End Class of 2010 !
WOW the pep rally was amazing. Ive looked forward to running up those stairs in front of the whole school for so lllloooonnnngggggg and screaming SENIORS so loud that i lost my voice for the remainder of the day! but best of all i was surrounded by the people i literally grew up with....these are the some of the people that Ive shared my highs and lows with some of the people that have my back no matter what the situation is. Sometimes it saddens me when i come to the realization that i wont be surrounded by these same people any more as Im writing this im on the phone with bae(tati<3 ) and talking to my beloved sister which i only get along with on rare occasions.... but im realizing im gonna be so far within the next 365 days i wont be able to just run home or run to my girlfriends house when things are going wrong granite they are only a phone call away or a video chat away i will still miss there presence... i will miss fighting with my sister or arguing with her then making up by not apologizing but just making a new convo a day or two later its priceless in my eyes... iknow my sister is going to read this eventually and i want you to know i love you even though we dont ever say it directly lol.....
steffie - straight up i love you as the best-est best friend ever X)
tati- my heart and soul my everything and my all i love you and after college marriage is not only an option but it will happen its gonna be epic lol
steffie - straight up i love you as the best-est best friend ever X)
tati- my heart and soul my everything and my all i love you and after college marriage is not only an option but it will happen its gonna be epic lol
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
TO Steffie Torres
welp i promised you id write a blog for you but not about you lol !
so a lot has gone on in my life recently a lot to keep me from blogging unfortunately...from getting into a car accident to literally seeing my heart on a monitor. life is crazy as we all should know by this age...just think about for most of us seniors in one year we will begin yet another chapter of our life...for some it could be a good one for others it could be bad....but regardless of all that hopefully all of the people in my circle will make through college with no problems....high school for the most part is EASY i have one class a day technically two but marketing is so easy it shouldnt be considered a class sometimes lol all we do is talk about marketing techniques, play games on the computer and best of all joke the shit out of each other all in good fun though no harm in callin jo cock breathe steffie cum lips and mike a LUBE TECH (insider) but seriously the people that i really hope to keep in contact with for LIFE(school wise) !! tati<3 (my girl friend of almost a year),and Steffie.
Steffie seriously even though we going through this bull shit with your dad we have a bond that not many people can understand we all of each others deepest darkest secrets stuff that nobody knows besides the two of us.....
we will remain best friends for the rest of our lives no matter what
its destiny lol
Fast Foward to 4:30 best part of the song !
so a lot has gone on in my life recently a lot to keep me from blogging unfortunately...from getting into a car accident to literally seeing my heart on a monitor. life is crazy as we all should know by this age...just think about for most of us seniors in one year we will begin yet another chapter of our life...for some it could be a good one for others it could be bad....but regardless of all that hopefully all of the people in my circle will make through college with no problems....high school for the most part is EASY i have one class a day technically two but marketing is so easy it shouldnt be considered a class sometimes lol all we do is talk about marketing techniques, play games on the computer and best of all joke the shit out of each other all in good fun though no harm in callin jo cock breathe steffie cum lips and mike a LUBE TECH (insider) but seriously the people that i really hope to keep in contact with for LIFE(school wise) !! tati<3 (my girl friend of almost a year),and Steffie.
Steffie seriously even though we going through this bull shit with your dad we have a bond that not many people can understand we all of each others deepest darkest secrets stuff that nobody knows besides the two of us.....
we will remain best friends for the rest of our lives no matter what
its destiny lol
Fast Foward to 4:30 best part of the song !
Monday, September 21, 2009
Quotes of Second block !
lame"i got those shoes bro"
me-(looking as serious as ever)"I'M NEVER WEARING THOSE SHOES AGAIN"
me"ey jo y dont you take the dick out of your mout you fag"
(mike and steffie laugh)
Jo(acts as though hes takin a dick out of his mouth) ha shut up mike you LUBE TECH(insider)
me-(laughing hestirically) "ha both of yall is gay so stfu"
Thats it for today i promised my bestfriend i wouldnt put up the other stuff
R.I.P killah
steffie is the bestest best friend ever =)
"she got more mojo then all these other boushi girls" (insider)
me-(looking as serious as ever)"I'M NEVER WEARING THOSE SHOES AGAIN"
me"ey jo y dont you take the dick out of your mout you fag"
(mike and steffie laugh)
Jo(acts as though hes takin a dick out of his mouth) ha shut up mike you LUBE TECH(insider)
me-(laughing hestirically) "ha both of yall is gay so stfu"
Thats it for today i promised my bestfriend i wouldnt put up the other stuff
R.I.P killah
steffie is the bestest best friend ever =)
"she got more mojo then all these other boushi girls" (insider)
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Lames & school
FIRST these two lames in my second block always come up to me and ask about my jordans the funny thing is they think they know so much about shoes and they dont know shit and one of them tried to say my 12's was fake when he had on some clear yes clear like see thru 7's r u serious. And if they so fake why do you want to buy them. Everyday its the same shit its quite pathetic that people these days cant find their own mojo. Everyday i walk into this class first thing said by these two lames who arent related and share clothes oh i like your j's my reply thanks....then the annoyin convo ey im about to order them or ey i used to have them but the worst part ey nigga lemme buy them WHAT!! no you cant buy them from me nigga tried to buy my near deadstock 12s from the pack for 80 when they worth no less then 180 nigga be serious.... if its that important take ya ass up on niketalk and go buy some. tired of seeing people with what used to be exclusive name brands and they make it look like shit like with a faded crooks shirt with a hole in it or with a FAKE 10 deep shirt.... it saddens me to see this so i am currently on a quest to find other stuff that lames in my school arent wearing like play cloths? the hundreds? cmon wealth clothes? T.I.T.S? i think that might be a plan....
SSSOOOOO.... offf i go to start my day any questions or concerns or even ideas hit the comments up and let me know im out !
"i'm gonna 9-11 them with the mojo" tired of seeing people with what used to be exclusive name brands and they make it look like shit like with a faded crooks shirt with a hole in it or with a FAKE 10 deep shirt.... it saddens me to see this so i am currently on a quest to find other stuff that lames in my school arent wearing like play cloths? the hundreds? cmon wealth clothes? T.I.T.S? i think that might be a plan....
SSSOOOOO.... offf i go to start my day any questions or concerns or even ideas hit the comments up and let me know im out !
"i'm gonna 9-11 them with the mojo"
Monday, September 14, 2009
School X lames in School
So as im sitting in class with my best friend steffie we both realize something we have two of the wackest most knowledgeable guys in class and probably school. I understand if you dont know about something but you think you know naturally you want to debate that your rite. But seriously when it comes to fashion and knowing if something is real or not i know my ish. So back to the subject im sitting in class and these two guys come up to me almost everyday now and try to buy something im wearing or show me something they have. First day/ full week of school they had fake g-shocks and tried to say mine was fake at first lets B-serious both of their g-shocks said aqua sport/star on the back FAKE then today they had a babe watch im thru with this subject time to start ignoring niggas !
Friday, September 11, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Get 2 pair !
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Fuck swag i got mojo !
Friday, August 14, 2009
No more Man alives?
If you live in certain parts of east coast and you shop at Man Alive you may have realized something THEY ARE GOING OUT OF BUSINESS. As a finishline employee i first found out through talking to my manager that Man Alives strategy was stupid first in a local mall called military circle you had a man alive store right in betweeen an up against the wall, and shoe city it was across the hall from DTLR and legends and some other hot clothing store lol but on top of that is was down the hall from a jimmy jazz WTF? If your wondering why they are going out of business its becuase Finishline sold them to jimmy jazz so in a strategic business plan jimmy jazz is shutting all of the man alive stores. The only thing that saddens me about Man Alive closing is that i cant get discounts on my levi 501's. Other then that if you need some stuff and you know what type of stuff man alive selles then go there and buy some stuff everything is 40% off rite now.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Behind every Castle lies a Crook !

So a lot of people don't know that crooks and castles was started by Dennis Calvero and Robert Panlilio in 2002. They started off like most clothing lines slow and trying to get there name out there. But the thing that really set their line apart from other clothing lines was they were looking for something different a design that hadn't yet been introduced into the fashion industry a design that represented the Los Anglos street lifestyle. However Dennis was strongly influenced by the new york and the new york fashion styles. Through long nights and determination in 2004 they relaunch there clothing line and they worked on what would be their first collection. There first official collection had the help from one of my other favorite clothing lines in4mation with them as a partner they created 5&aDime distribution. Crooks and Castles Really took off in 2007 when they went from national to international. After they went international 4 main celebrities started to rep their gear jay-z, nas, kanye west and rick ross. AND i bet you no one really knows what crooks & castles means.... it means behind ever great achievement behind every major clothing line someone did something crooked to achieve that goal. Dennis and Robert really also want crooks & castles to represent goals and dreams !

(Founders Robert Panlilio on the right and Dennis Calvero in the middle )
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Crooks and Castles !

(my favorite crooks and castles outfit)
So i found out about this clothing line from my cousin Ty some years ago and ever since then thats primarly the only clothing line i buy. It deeply saddens me to see it in dtlr and legends because now it doesnt have that exclusive feel to it anymore. Before it was in these stores hypebeasts didnt know where to find it except for on the internet and most of the time they wouldnt order it for whatever reasons. Me i would order it its my favorite clothing line and i hate seeing people wear it just because they seen some celeb wear it or talk about it. I was going to stop wearing it all the time because i seen it in those stores and i seen so many hypebeasts wearing it untill i realized something... they might be able to buy it and wear it but they have NO SWAG so it doesnt really matter. Me personally ive been told ive got a certain swag to me i personally dont care about anything negative that someone says about me or to me..... Thats all i have on my mind for now! hit me up in the comments and let me know what you think!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Best dressed male?
So this year for my senior year im going for best dressed along with someother stuff but best dressed is the one i want the most. I need to expand out from h&m, 10 deep, stussy and crooks and castles thats pretty much all i've been wearing for awhile now. So if you have any ideas for good clothing lines (besides like famous, and skate wear) lemme know in the comments thanks. OHH and I finally bought a G-shock today along with my bae's bday gift. just a quick little update on whats going on right now.
Monday, August 3, 2009
iPhone's across the world being hacked?
Recently a security researcher name charlie miller found a flaw in the iPhone new operating system 3.0 so i saw the video on how exactly he did it and realized something... that looks pretty easy to do. SO me being the person i am tried it on my 3g iPhone and to my surprise i failed the first time but i realized what i did wrong went back and tried again (im not a quitter im keep trying until i succeed lol) so within 15 minutes i had hacked into my iPhone. WTF APPLE?? they pay there employees lots of money and they make a dumb mistake like this? The really sad part about this whole situation is that before iPhone OS 3.0 was released like when it was still in beta stage apple was notified about the situation which means they didn't want to do anything about it until about 2 days ago. Luckily there is a way to correct this situation update to iPhone OS 3.0.1 UNLESS you are like me and using you iPhone on an unauthorized network such as T-mobile. YES i did jailbreak and unlock my iPhone. If you are also like me and did this you can use redsn0w to unlock/jailbreak your iPhone just run redsn0w after you update your iPhone and when redsn0w asks you to identify the iPhone OS point it to OS 3.0. if your having problems with this feel free to ask me for help in the comments ill return with an email or something asap because i know everyone loves their iPhone !
Lets meet The over energetic author.
So my name is Brannon or more commonly know as b.frank or B. This blog is primarily going to be about technology some fashion and whatever is on my mind at the time but if your really looking for a fashion blog Soles and Addicts is probably the best blog that has been recently started. but enough about that and more about me. I'm 18 and i like to do the typical stuff shop, chill, party sometimes, but i really love to hang out with my girlfriend shes amazing. Also, I'm a senior and just looking at me you wouldn't think i know half the stuff i knew until you asked me a question then id blow your mind away with all the stuff i know. Now that I have all that out the way sit back and enjoy this roller coaster your about to read and hopefully comment and relater to !
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